A night out

Laying down the plastic Lovely Friday evening with Kathy. I believe we covered every topic beneath the sun. Yummy food. Equally yummy wine. And this morning was my designated “you get to sleep in” day. Weekend’s off to a pretty good start.

What I don’t like about motherhood

Any mom (or dad) who can’t find at least one thing about parenthood that doesn’t agree with them is not being entirely truthful. With all the wonderful, beautiful moments, there are also those that make you wince. Besides, the complaint I’m airing here isn’t all that bad. It’s not even […]

I CAN’T eat just one

Way too tempting For some, the time between Turkey Day and Christmas is their downfall. All the parties and yummy holiday food. But for me, the real problem is Easter. For some reason more of the candies associated with this holiday contain that very special ingredient — marshmallow. I heart […]

Morning glory muffins

Packed with carrots, apples, raisins and pineapple Had to get my baking fix today. Lucky that since I haven’t had any photo inspiration lately. Lucky that, too, since the kid loved ’em. Scarfed down an entire muffin by his lonesome. Speaking of muffins, has anyone ever wondered about the ones […]

Fast, easy, nummy!

I adore chicken sausages. Especially since being told I had to up my protein intake. I don’t like a lot of meat. Having options, then, is important. Sure there are all sorts of ways to cook up sausage, but I’ve found that my favorite is to saute them with a […]

Valentine’s Day sweets a bit late

They’re a tad bit underdone, but they’re still rich and chocolatey Kevin wants to be a food photographer. I think I’m inclined to dream about that too. There’s something I love about snapping pics of the stuff we create in the kitchen. But I dunno if I could really do […]

Stir crazy

This is the time of year when I really start to feel uncreative. I envy the people who reside in big cities and who commute via their feet. Me? I walk down my front steps, open the car door, and drive to where I need to go. As a result, […]

Hi, Mom!

So that’s where Lucy’s been stashing all the cat toys I’ve always been very close to my mom. Only child. Single mom. She’s not just my mom, she’s my buddy too. Logic follows that we’d talk on the phone a lot. When in Chicago, we probably talked at least twice […]

A GR rant

My husband leaves newspapers in the bathroom all the time. A guy thing, I suppose. Gotta poop? Need to take the paper with ya. When I was tidying up in there yesterday, the headline above caught my eye. Then I started reading. Ohmigod. Seriously. The stupid people rear their ugly […]

Post-Super Bowl nachos

To quote my friend Tracy, “These are mine, nachos.” The plan was to make ’em yesterday, but my husband wasn’t feeling all that well and it’s not as much fun to eat ooey-gooey nachos all by your lonesome. So tonight it was. Yum! Oh, and my vote for the best […]