
I’ve lived in Michigan nearly all my life, yet somehow I’ve never managed to visit the lakeshore during the winter. This weekend the idea struck me for some reason. And when I brought it up to Scott he told me he’d actually been thinking the same thing. So planned it and made […]


Spontaneity. It’s not my strong suit. It’s not like I plan and organize my days to the minute. Or even the hour. But I like to have an idea about what’s going to happen next. And make sure it’s feasible. The plan for Friday was to take the train into […]

The Meadows

I always wondered what Las Vegas translated to. To me, it translates to kind of otherworldly. It was my second visit there and both have been for business. I never had it on my personal travel agenda. And I think I had a pretty good instinct about that. I’m just […]

Back from the desert

And they’re not kidding when they call it the desert either. I enjoyed Tucson. It’s such a departure from here. Gorgeous scenery. But rather alien too. I guess I’m more attached to the green stuff than I thought I would be. Arizona, or at least the part I was in, […]

Date weekend

That’s what Scott dubbed it. Because we dropped the kiddo off at Grandma’s on Friday and I’ll be picking him up this afternoon. In the interim, we took a little jaunt to the Leelenau Peninsula and Traverse City. I like road trips, but I don’t like cramming activities into a […]