Happiness in a cup

Topping off a mug of Swiss Miss Chocolate English Toffee I have an addiction to whipped cream. Not the heavy-duty stuff. I prefer the lite version. (Not fat-free, though. That’s just icky.) The heavy-duty stuff, the stuff they add to your mocha at the local (or national) coffee shop, clocks […]

How about 32-hour days?

This isn’t Lucy’s best attempt at Yoda ears, but it’s pretty close Is it too greedy to ask for longer days? I really could use more hours. Sure, it would take longer for holidays to roll around and for vacations to commence, but once they did, you’d have more time […]

Sad, demented little girl

The ball she rescued from the wet, muddy park (and her wet, not-so-muddy pawprint on our floor) On our way out of the park today, Juliette decided she wanted to take along the tennis ball she’d found. Then she got a bit distracted by someone’s discarded sandwich. Then she picked […]

The brat

Today we went to the mall. I’m not all that enamored of the mall, but it’s an ideal place for pushing a stroller and keeping a baby amused. I’m not in shopping mode at all these days. I’m so entirely sick of the typical mall stores and their typical fashions. […]

Dreaming of sunshine

I just missed the shot of a beam of sun lighting up the top of this pile of snow. I’m always “just missing” shots! It’s January. It’s cold. It’s dreary. My skin is dry and itchy. My hands are constantly cold. Even my poor cat has dry, flaky skin. Typical […]

Everyone has their limits

It’s not necessarily a standoff, but there’s a bit of a “war” that goes on between me and my loving husband. It involves cleaning things. Things in the kitchen, to be exact. Several years ago, when we were co-habitating in Chicago, Scott bought a $20 cast-iron skillet from Service Merchandise. […]