
Eh, I didn’t get the name of this sculpture So many people have posted comments to this site — or emailed me directly. You’ve said nice things, given advice, made observations. The typical stuff. I want you to know that I’ve read every word — and that I appreciate it. […]

Senior citizens rule!

Window at the Gardens During Scott’s time off after Devin arrived, we went on a family outing to the mall. We proudly wheeled our very-cute kid around as every other parent does. The parents we used to see when we were walking around as non-parents. We’d spy their kids in […]

The incredible shrinking Lori

I’m not a big girl. Yet a wee bit over a year ago, some of pants started to get a tad, um, tight. Not a huge surprise to me since my fitness regimen was badly fractured and I didn’t compensate by reducing the amount of ice cream I was eating […]

Dear Devin

OK. It’s official. Devin now has his own little site. A big responsibility for such a young man, true. I’m not entirely happy with this site, nor is it entirely finished. I’ve got plenty of bugs to work out. The problems stem from 1) me only using HTML once a […]

What I did with my morning

This is Alec (friend of Devin): he can blow a mean bubble I made an observation today. This is probably not news to anyone else, but 95% of the people at the mall during the day are moms. As I pushed my stroller from store to store, I noted that […]

Today flat-out sucks

Scott took Pete back to Mackenzie’s this morning. I sat on the floor with him, saying goodbye, before he was loaded in the car along with a bag of toys and treats. I can’t really express how I feel. Pete’s been a very challenging dog for us. There were many […]

A place of his own

This is what’s come to be known as the scrunchy face (we LOVE scrunchy face) Dear Readers, This website has always been about ME. So the last month has been a bit of a departure. Now it appears to be all about HIM. As Jerry likes to say, “Not that […]

True story

The other day, my husband was changing a lightbulb in the laundry room. I came downstairs to see him standing precariously on the tips of his toes, trying to remove the light fixture. Me: Do you need a step stool? Him: (Quizzical look) A s*ex tool???? Me: (Unamused look) Him: […]

Clean-up crew

Lying in wait My poor child is being forced to like animals. How can he escape, really — he’s surrounded here at home. And even the visit to grandma’s involves a dog. Teagon, the dog in question, introduced him to face licks this past weekend. Juliette has been minding her […]

Gee, my hair smells terrific

From the archive: Rockford, Michigan Like any new parents, we’re facing a cash-flow issue. So I started looking into where I could cut back. Beginning with clothes — and going from there. Painful as it is, I’ve pretty much stopped buying anything for me this last month. Not that I’m […]