Just call me Grace

It’s a good thing my mother never signed me up for ballet lessons or some such childhood activity that required flair, balance or a slight dose of dignity. (Although she did allow me to brave the rink at Lawson Ice Arena for lessons that didn’t do a whole lotta good.) […]

A Christmas like no other

Maggie where all cats like to be at Christmas I like to plan things. And I don’t like it when the plans change. My husband says I lack spontaneity. He’s probably right. So picture me on Christmas Eve morning as I awake anticipating our yearly ritual of driving to my […]


Oh, to have such lovely hair So tomorrow is the Eve. It’s difficult for me to process that. Although there’s plenty of snow on the ground, and much more to come, I still don’t feel like I’m ready for all the fuss. The tree is finally decorated. The holiday festivities […]

Ain’t he sweet?

After a crazy-busy weekend filled with the typical holiday visiting of friends and family, and accompanied by what seemed like a constant headache and tiredness, I was happy – very happy – to crawl beneath the sheets last night and drift off to sleep. Of course the alarm beeped way too […]

NOT a Charlie Brown tree

I’ve never gone without a tree this time of year. My mom handled the specifics when I was a kid, then I inherited a small fake tree that graced a few of my apartments over the years. Even my first year in Chicago, when I was sure I wouldn’t be […]

Keeping the holiday happy

This is some of the tastiest cookie batter ever (nevermind the raw eggs) I’m not planning to stretch myself thin this holiday. It’s just not worth it. I think people set such high expectations each season and then run themselves ragged trying to pull it all off. The honest truth […]


Well, I woke up this AM to 707 emails in my in-box. About 700 of them were comment spams. Nice. Who the h-e-double-toothpicks is inconsiderate enough to do that? They added about 150 of them a couple of hours later. Running them through Blacklist is a decent solution — although […]

Seven days

Jeesh…I think I forgot how to use my G2 I go back to “work” in one week. I use quotation marks because I’m actually working tonight. I’ve done some small projects while on leave, but I shall be parking my butt in my client’s chair once again starting Monday. This […]

Girl time

At her new favorite store: Global Infusion So Tracy and I spent hours together on Saturday — dining, exploring, shopping and cat-petting. Fun! The Mean Green Burrito was yummy, of course. Then we walked down Cherry and hit the shops in East Hills. From there we headed down Diamond to […]

Stress-free shopping

Decking out my fake pine shwag Today we toured Breton Village again. I come back to this mall time and again because 1) it’s less than a mile from my house; 2) it’s NOT crowded (like the Bath and Body Works store at Woodland yesterday, where 20 stupid women waited […]