
Another crocus pic before they disappear I get frustrated by things that are out of my control. The discontinuation of my favorite flavor of Extra gum (the bums!). Other drivers. George W. Bush (yes, I can vote for the other guy, but I did that last time and look what […]


My oh-so blue dining room chairs We have a lot to do around here. A LOT! So many smallish projects that add up to one busy spring-summer-fall for us Smiths. I guess it’s good to have goals. I drew up the Project List the other night and the mister took […]

Black gold

Full-fledged compost, made by little ol’ me I don’t have a green thumb. I’m very slowly developing one, but right now my thumb is only a very light, barely there, shade of green. We moved into this house in ’00 and focused on things other than the yard. The following […]

Signs of spring

Tiny crocus bulbs making their presence felt There was no way I could hang out inside today once the sun finally came out. The past few days have finally brought warmth to the area, but the sun hadn’t been involved until this afternoon. When it broke free from the clouds, […]


Meow My lovely new handmade purse arrived today courtesy of Heidi at My Paper Crane. I discovered her site through Loobylu. Both of these ladies are very talented in that crafty sort of way, which I’m not. Can’t sew. Can’t knit. Can’t draw. So I rely on people like them […]

Wise to me

Putting up with the camera…barely What’s Lucy saying with her eyes? “I’m trying to take a nap. Get that camera out of my face.”

Grey but sunny

Canned goodness It’s a grey, dreary and very muddy day. Yet I’m still in good spirits. The other day, when it was actually sunny and bright, I was feeling a bit down. So this is a welcome change. Then, I was dealing with a disappointment regarding work, as well as […]

Fun with babies

No giraffes were harmed in the taking of this photo Babies are fun to shop for. Truly. Who doesn’t like the cute little shoes, sweaters and socks that line the aisles of baby-centric stores? Anything that’s shrunken down several sizes just begs for the “Awwww!” So finding something for little […]

The things that parents know

Upside-down Emily When you become a parent, you become a member of a club. One that has its own lingo and lore. So if you’re a non-parent, like me, there are times when you’re around these members and you just don’t understand the “speak.” Like the other day when Jolene […]

My, how fast a week goes by!

Memorial Presbyterian Church: St. Augustine, Florida Last Tuesday we were wandering the streets of St. Augustine, with a backdrop of blue skies, flocks of seagulls and great architecture. This Tuesday I’m back in my home office, gazing out on a cold, grey day and the inescapable reality of having to […]