
My oh-so blue dining room chairs

We have a lot to do around here. A LOT! So many smallish projects that add up to one busy spring-summer-fall for us Smiths. I guess it’s good to have goals. I drew up the Project List the other night and the mister took one look at it and handed it right back. Now we have to sit down and prioritize.

Number one for me would be to finish some of the painting I have to do around here. We had our kitchen remodeled, top to bottom, almost two years ago and there’s not a bit of paint to be found in that space. The sunshine streaming through the windows painfully reminds me of how completely dirty they are too. Ugh! Then there are the four cuddly little pets who scurry about, leaving balls of fur, scratches and general dirtiness in their wake. Thus, on top of projects, we have plenty of cleaning to do as well.

But we shall soldier onward in our attempt to finish the list this year. Please cross the requisite fingers and wish us well.

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