Before and after

What does one do with a weed-filled area near the air conditioning unit? After forcing the husband to hoe up the grass, she plants Two hours. Six holes. Three bags of compost. Two bags of mulch. One still-to-be-completed bed. It’s a start. It’s always a start when your yard is […]

I refuse to give in

Soon-to-be-painted window ledge in our living room A year ago I began receiving an increase in spam. Tons of it. It didn’t just wham-bam hit my in-box one magical day. Several additional annoying emails began to trickle in each day, and as months went by, it’s gotten ridiculous. I’m talking […]

These shoes were made for kickin’

My “I’m gonna kick yer ass” shoes Why a photo of my shoes? Cuz I love ’em! They’re comfy…like walking on air. And they’ve helped me keep my balance during all those frenzied kicks I have to pull off in order to look like I’m keeping up during my kickboxing […]

More plants

One of the flowering trees at Wedel’s Nursery Any time I traipse around the stores with my mom, we usually end up at a garden center. This time I picked up a new hydrangea to go along with the lilac, burning bush, euonymous, hollyhocks, and sedum that I’ve already bought […]

Visiting Mum

Lovely clumps of catmint before it goes all wild and crazy Off to Kalamazoo this afternoon to hang with my mom. That entails trips to the garden center and various gifty shops. Always a fun time. Cheerio to you and have a lovely weekend!

Dogs vs. kids

Blooming rock cress and two nosy dogs Have you ever noticed how much like toddlers dogs can be? Just now I returned from nabbing discounted detergent and the like at Target, and gifted my two pups with their very own chew toys. I gave one to Pete, one to Juliette. […]

Oh, my aching everything

George, the resident cat at Spirit Dreams I’m pretty sure I’ve overdone it. But if I keep up this pace, I swear I’ll accomplish everything on our project list by June and be in great shape to boot. (To boot, what an ancient, age-revealing expression.) Well, maybe I’m being overly […]

The windows are officially open!

Chloe checks out Photoshop CS while Dad does her hair The weather, my darlings, is absolutely superb today. So springlike, in fact, that I’ve opened several windows for the cats to laze in. I can hear the birds chirping, the cars driving by and the school band practicing on the […]