I’m driving to Chicago tomorrow morning to meet up with my two oldest friends: Renee and Viv. We all turn 40 within a two-month span, so we thought a weekend celebration was in order. Booyah! While there, I’ll also be meeting an online friend for dinner. Much to look forward […]
Because all I’m in the mood for lately are low-brow yuks
Go ahead. Click the link. I dare ya!
What do you need?
I started packing last night. I decided that I wouldn’t leave it for the last minute this time. And I was doing quite well with the endeavor before half of the electricity in our house went out during a storm. The half that controlled the lights in the bedroom. I’m […]
I am surrounded!
I’m a light sleeper. One of my prerequisites in a guy was that he not snore. And Scott seemed to fit the bill quite nicely. (Well, except when he went out and had a few drinks.) After we brought Maggie home, though, things changed. My peaceful evenings were gone. Yet […]
How I look to my kid
A bit foolish, I suppose, but I let Devin snap some pics the other night. His method involves pressing the shutter-release button several times in a row. Ha! Do I make these goofy faces all the time? C’mon, friends, fess up!
Leaving on a jet plane
I woke up this morning with some crappy laryngitis-type thing with a raspy voice and a sore throat. I worked for several hours before giving up and just coming home to rest. But nap or no, the throat was still achy when the boys got home tonight. So what better […]
What makes a happy dad?
A yummy dinner at Bombay Cuisine, followed by a walk in the neighborhood lugging a 35-pound kiddo who’s singing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” in his ear.
All around town
I love Saturdays. At least the ones where we have the time and inclination to get out and about and take advantage of what our city has to offer. Yesterday we did. We breakfasted at Brandywine in Eastown and then headed over to the tres-crowded Fulton Farmer’s Market for some […]
Six years and one day
We tied the knot on June 9, 2001, in Seal Harbor, Maine. The wedding was supposed to take place on Little Hunter’s Beach in Acadia National Park. But the stairs were being repaired! I didn’t handle that set-back all that well. Especially coupled with the fact that the Bar Harbor […]
The places we meet
I have two friends who met on the Internet and have been married for nearly seven years. Happily. But everyone winces when they hear “we met on the Internet” stories. The headlines always blare out the bad stuff that happens. So where’s this going? Well, I’ve found myself meeting a […]
SeaWorld = Hell
Can you believe I actually payed $10 so the kids could feed dead fish to these fellas? We’re baaaaack! Let me just share some advice with anyone heading down to Orlando any time soon. Do not. Do not. Do not take a sleep-deprived three-year-old, a petulant five-year-old, and a non-commital […]