Not in sync

When it comes to scheduling my life, including appointments, meetings, birthdays and events, I’ve been struggling ever since I ditched my Franklin planner and went with a PDA. I used my Handspring loyally for about a year with some success. I felt more on top of things, but I also […]

The things that three-year-olds say

Sometimes I wonder why I created a separate site for Devin. It’s meant to be a place for me to recount things since I’m way too lame to do scrapbooking and all that jazz. But I swear I make extra work for myself when I do stuff like that. And […]

SeaWorld = Hell

Can you believe I actually payed $10 so the kids could feed dead fish to these fellas? We’re baaaaack! Let me just share some advice with anyone heading down to Orlando any time soon. Do not. Do not. Do not take a sleep-deprived three-year-old, a petulant five-year-old, and a non-commital […]

We are outta here!

Well, in less than 24 hours we are. And I’m soooooo ready for a vacation. I’m eager to say goodbye to the wet, crappy snow that fell on Wednesday and that still lingers in my backyard despite a lovely day of sunshine. It may snow in April in Michigan, but […]

The yin and yang

Sometimes it’s easier to complain. I think it’s human nature. But in the spirit of balancing the negative with the positive, here’s my take on today. Negative: I went swimsuit shopping and it wasn’t a pretty picture. I’ve never been bothered by the process before, but gaining ten pounds certainly […]

Three reasons to dislike Easter

1. Someone decided that Easter would be a good time for Peeps and chocolate bunnies. Even though we kept things pretty minimal with the kid’s Easter basket, I’m blaming the sugar high on his decision to skip his nap yesterday and then get up at 4:00 a.m. this morning. Grrrr. […]

Ira rocks

OK. So I know you’ve been waiting with bated breath to hear about my drive to Chicago. This centers on the radio stations. Because I tend to prefer the radio to CDs when I’m driving. I have no idea why. So I start off with my local GR stations. That […]

Just 10 minutes, please!

I have had a post, about my drive to Chicago, ready to write for three days now. And I can’t find a moment to do it. What gives? I will say that I’ve had time to eat plenty of Peeps this week. I guess you know where my priorities are!


Just got back from a weekend in lovely Gurnee. Renee and Dan were great hosts. Shopped, dined and watched a bit too much of TLC and those home-oriented shows. They’re addictive!