My mom is such a kiss-ass


Why is it that grandmas get all the glory?

First our dog fell in love with her. Seriously, Juliette about pees herself every time my mom comes over. And she’s not a cocker spaniel. She’s a 40-pound German Shepherd mix who oughta know better. In the presence of my mom, she whimpers and whines and practically plants herself on the woman’s lap. No contest. Me and my husband are the proverbial chopped liver.

And now my kid.

He loves when Grandma visits or when we take a drive down to Kalamazoo. He gets coddled and cooed at for hours. Worse yet, he’s always on his best behavior around her. He rarely pitches a fit, a normal occurence here. And, of course, Grandma showered him with all of the coolest gifts this past holiday, ensuring Mommy and Daddy the distinction of “uncool.”

The three trucks above? He rarely goes anywhere without them. And imagine the chaos that ensues when the red truck goes missing when you’re getting ready for daycare in the morning. Even though he can’t take them with him, we must find the truck. I spend a lot of time keeping tabs on them to avoid such situations.

Thanks a lot, Grandma. I know you’re reading this! (And, yeah, I said “ass.”)

3 thoughts on “My mom is such a kiss-ass

  1. Ah, the three trucks. I have that problem daily except the truck/car of choice is constantly changing.

    Drives me crazy.

  2. oh! what a gorgeous photo this is: whimsical and nostalgic and bright…
    my daughter had a bear, a little french bear with a real bum, to always be present and accounted for. the one time he sneaked (snuck?) away is a story for another day. 🙂 he is now 23 years old, like her, and still nestled next to her pillow, and i have no doubt that he will emigrate to canada in the summer…just like her.

  3. Guess it’s one of the rites of parenthood, eh? We all just have to be on our toes and keep the favored toy in sight. But what a challenge!

    Lynn, it’s so sweet that she still has the bear. I have the one my mom bought for me when she learned she was pregnant. I’m such the sentimental girl.

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