To go with the cornbread…

Here’s the turkey meatloaf. I had a hard time getting a good pic. Meatloaf isn’t really, well, pretty. It’s topped with salsa and filled with cheese. Smack dab in the center. Oozing and gooey. It turned out great. And, of course, the kid decided that he would have none of […]

What we made today

The little guy helped me whip up some Black Pepper Cornbread this morning. I plan to pair it with a salad and some turkey meatloaf (layered with cheese!) for dinner. Have I mentioned that I love baking with my son?

No more plastic forks!

The best thing about my husband being home while “in between” jobs? He no longer brings home his empty leftover containers with the ubiquitous plastic forks he absconds from his office. I HATE those darn plastic forks. Every time I open a drawer I’m confronted by several. If that’s all […]

Best friends

One of the two I never had a best friend when I was growing up. I always wanted one, but it seemed like any really good friend I had always had one other friend who was just a bit more best than I was. When I was five, I thought […]

Brain dead

My creativity has been null and void the past few days, even regarding the camera. I lurve my Nikon, but I’m just not feeling inspired to take photos. Nor to write, really. I must be going through a lull. Hopefully it’s short-lived, but please take no offense to my absence […]

Note to self

It was probably not a good idea to throw the empty mini-marshmallow bag into the trash basket under the desk after you guiltily munched on the last three handfuls while working on a project. Especially when the bag contained some sticky bits that adhered to the inside. Especially when you […]