Just returned from another trip to Chicago. Hoping for one more this summer, with toddler in tow. Kathy and I got our exercise for the day, stomping around Old Town and the Armitage Corridor. This was yesterday’s highlight at my fave, fave, fave breakfast joint ever — Uncommon Ground. To […]
What we did, what we ate
Delish bruschetta from Bridge The weekend sure zipped by. Always seems to happen when we have out-of-town plans. These two days took us to the east side of the state. First, to Northville, where we bunked with my friend Viv from high school and her gracious family. Then on to […]
Two strange things happened today
I used the boy to show the perspective I ambled out to my garden tonight to give it a once over. I’d pulled two zucchinis out in the past week, and there were some tomatoes, cukes and peppers emerging. I’d been out just two or three days ago, so I […]
Little People
During a visit to my mom’s this weekend, she announced that she was going to dig out the Little People house from her attic for Dev to play with. I had no idea she still had it. My mom’s not nearly as sentimental as I am. She doesn’t pack-rat useless […]
Now three members of our family have allergies
Our dear canine has been scratching, biting and licking herself crazily over the past couple of weeks. Today it was confirmed by our vet. Allergies. Well, I’m certainly glad it’s not fleas. But dog allergies aren’t as simple to treat as the type of allergies I have. With mine, I […]
Snappity snap snap
I’m getting better and better at snapping pics of my guy, but I’m always trying to improve. So I asked Dawn, who’s taken some terrific children’s portraits, for any recommendations she might have for reading material on the subject. I finished the book in a sitting and put some of […]
Name’s Evan
Charming little boy that we met at the dog beach over the weekend. I wish Devin would gaze so easily into the camera. My tyke is busily checking out everything BUT the lens.