
Tracy in stripes — from last weekend

With all the craziness engulfing the household this week, I haven’t used my camera once. Others have. Kev borrowed it last week, although his photoshoot fell through. And Sonja snapped pics of me unwrapping stuff last night. I’ve resigned myself to my first week without photos in probably two years.

It’s kind of freeing in some ways. On certain days I’m not all that gifted with inspiration and I fall back on stuff I’m not all that happy with anyway. On others, sure, I come up with something I love, but who couldn’t use a break from things?

Everyone asks how the preparation is going for the little guy. I’m not all that sure. It definitely seems like there’s still a lot to do, but I often (often!) make mountains out of miniscule little molehills. It’s the way I spice up my life, I suppose.

Rather than fret about the “list” tonight, though, we’re taking ourselves out for a relaxing dinner for two at our favorite restaurant.