Sneaking one in before February ends

The snow days this year have fallen on Fridays. All two of them. Friday is a nice day for working from home…and entertaining a 7-year-old. Last year we whipped up some Star Wars pretzels during one of our days off. This year we turned to the over-ripe bananas on the counter for inspiration. Banana cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. The frosting was so good I was licking the spoon and Dev was saying, “Mom, I’m going to tell Dad you’re using bad table manners.” Little killjoy. 🙂

We started by grabbing some soap suds from the sink and having fun with them.

He’s gotten pretty good with the egg-crackin’ thing.

I threw this one in there because he’s wearing his hoodie backward and that’s not atypical for him. He’s always pushing the fashion envelope!


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