Blizzards aren’t typical events. The last snow dump of this magnitude we had was when Scott and I were living in Chicago in January 1999. We didn’t have a kid back then. (Instead, I played the child-like part, ooohing and aaahing as the snow poured down outside our window.) Kids add a new dimension to blizzards. You get to share with them the awe of Mother Nature and you also get to share with them a Snow Day.
Of course, this Snow Day was also a Work Day for me, so the sharing part was slightly limited. But we found some time this afternoon to make a batch of pretzels together (after also shoveling together and playing a little Wii together — don’t tell my boss about that last part). He played lead designer, requesting a Star Wars theme. You know. S-T-A-R W-A-R-S spelled out in pretzel dough. What could be more fun?
And because things weren’t as rush-rush tonight as with our normal pick-up-from-school-and-get-dinner-on-the-table evenings, he requested some extra story time. I love reading to him. But now that Dev’s in first grade (gasp!), we encourage him to read to us too. It had been a few weeks, though, since I’d last remembered to have him grab a book to share with me.
Tonight’s selection was, of course, Star Wars-related. It was also amazing. Because seriously? He can read. In just a few weeks’ time, the difference is just so striking. He’s faster, more confident and really good at figuring out challenging words. Wasn’t it just yesterday, or at least last week, when he was learning his ABCs? I really do love watching him grow and master things.