Well, hello 2012!

Well, I’m finally getting to a post in 2012. Yikes! And in December I only had a single entry. What’s my world coming to? I realized not long ago that my online life has changed pretty dramatically over the past couple of years. My two places to be used to be my blog and Flickr. I was obsessed with Flickr. I met so many awesome people on that site. And then there’s been a steady march of new places on the web. Facebook. Twitter. Ning. Pinterest. Yadayadayada. How is a person supposed to split themselves into so many different pieces?

I’m finding myself gravitating to different spots now. Facebook mostly. I suppose because I can see what my friends are up to. (Even though I complain about the shallowness of it all. Do I really know what they’re up to from a two-sentence post?) Twitter is still a good spot, but I can’t seem to keep up. The updates on Facebook are every 5 minutes or so. Twitter dishes them up every .5 seconds. I’m way too slow to handle that. Plus, I’m deep into the launch of a social intranet at my workplace, adding yet another online destination and cutting into any time I would have somewhere else.

I can’t seem to give up this blog, though. Even if I can’t seem to post regularly, it’s still my place. I’ve had this domain since 1998 and I started blogging on it in 2000. Maybe I can get better at the posting in the near future. I’ll pepper this one with photos from a recent playdate we had. Kids and parents. With two of Devin’s oldest pals. With the high ISO and the low grain, I went documentary-style with most of my processing. If you can’t beat the grain, embrace it!



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