Post-holiday reflections

What? The holidays are over already? Yeah. I say that every year. Once Halloween hits it seems like time speeds up and the year is over before you know it. It doesn’t help matters that I have a kid who’s growing taller every day and making time seem so ethereal. […]

Bring on the cookies

Less than two weeks before Christmas and I finally start doing some holiday baking. I have a cookie exchange tonight so I waited until the last minute to get going on four dozen Double Ginger Cookies. We picked up a box of Rice Krispies at the grocery store today so […]

Snowball vs. saw

We had a lovely visit at Hart Tree Farm on Saturday. The only bad part was when Scott hopped off the wagon onto the ground, thinking it was just packed snow. But it was icy. And he went boom. (Did I mention he had the saw in his hand when […]

Missing him

He’s at Grandma’s house for a couple of days. We parents had a date night tonight. Pizza. It was fun. We don’t get to do that very often. But still…we miss him. At least my mom is enjoying some pint-sized entertainment. And they’re watching The Grinch together tonight.

One of those days

A day when you make mugs of hot cocoa. Even though it was the Swiss Miss packaged variety, it tasted grand. He likes marshmallows. I prefer whipped cream. (OK…Cool Whip. So when it comes to my hot cocoa, I’m no gourmet.) I found some sprinkles the other day that were […]

Why, hello there!

Yes, it’s been a while, but it’s not December yet. I promise. Early holiday party at Frederik Meijer Gardens. I honestly didn’t think he’d be too keen on Santa, but he did start talking to him behind those hands. He managed to tell him he wanted some Star Wars Legos […]

Cheesy autumn smiles

I’ve been whining about fall. Or the lack thereof. Sunday delivered one of those perfect days I’d been waiting for. And we got our butts moving with some major yard work. All three of us. Dev was pretty darn helpful, actually. Later in the day he rode his bike past […]

There goes the rain

The warmth is leeching from my body. In Arizona, I was frying. Hot, hot, hot. And now I’m cold, of course. I left that lovely sunshine behind too. Although it must not be so unbearable because I took Juliette for a walk tonight in my PJ pants. In the rain. […]

Back from the desert

And they’re not kidding when they call it the desert either. I enjoyed Tucson. It’s such a departure from here. Gorgeous scenery. But rather alien too. I guess I’m more attached to the green stuff than I thought I would be. Arizona, or at least the part I was in, […]

Artsy fartsy*

We finally got a chance, on the last day, to walk around ArtPrize one more time. Dev and I spent a couple of hours downtown the second day, and Scott took him down for a few hours, but the rain had really washed out our plans to make a family […]

And where is fall, may I ask?

Snapped beneath cloudy, breezy skies at Robinette’s. <pout> I’m bummed. It’s been raining for days. The sun peeks in once in a while and then burrows behind the clouds again. The leaves are just beginning to change colors, but the ones that have fallen from the trees are lying in […]