Handmade goodness


A couple of weekends ago, whilst shopping with my mum and aunt, I came across the coolest, hippest kids’ furniture at the annual UCIA Holiday Artists’ Market. They offer cool tables, chairs, step stools and storage racks. In four snazzy colors: the green you see above, blue, yellow and orange. All in that muted tone.

I’d seen one of the stools at my outing with Dev to Meijer Gardens the previous week so I was excited to find out that it’s all designed and created right here in town. Just blocks from my house it turns out.

I hemmed and hawed about purchasing the double step stool. Dev just can’t reach anything with the plastic one that we bought at the famous baby store that you find in every town. I’d seen two-step stools at places like PB and such, but I honestly don’t find them very original. Plus, they’re mass produced, although nearly everything is, isn’t it?

I left the Market without the stool, but I kept thinking about it. So I talked with a girl I work with on Monday who used to do PR for the UICA. She zipped off an email to someone she knew who came back with the name of the guy (Marc) and his business (Question Marc Furniture).

I immediately called him and asked about getting one of the stools before the holiday. No problem, he said. And he offered to deliver it to my front door! FREE of charge. When he arrived tonight I mentioned that he could use a website for his company. He said they’d just had photography shot of the pieces and that they were working on a site right now. Hooray! I wish I could post a photo of the chairs. They have these great cut-outs in the back so you can hang them on the racks if you want to get them off the floor and out of the way.

All of the furniture is very high quality, too. Anyway, that’s my plug for a local craftsman (who, I’m sure, would gladly ship to non-local destinations). If you’re interested in the furniture, I can put you in contact with him. Otherwise I’ll just keep an eye out for the website and post the link when it becomes available.

2 thoughts on “Handmade goodness

  1. I used to be friends with marc back in the day when one of my roomates used to work with him. He is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and very talented. I am glad he is getting going with these peices he has been creating, I always see him at the eastown street fair. Such a great guy.

  2. He WAS really nice. I mean, he just came right to my door with it and didn’t even want to charge a delivery fee! I felt bad when my dog wouldn’t let him pet her. She’s such a darn chicken! I’ll have to keep an eye out for him at the street fair next year. I’m coveting the table and chair set now.

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