A day away


Before I became a mom, I pointed my camera at all sorts of things. Since Dev flew in, though, I must admit that 95% or more of what I shoot is of him. Certainly this is because he’s such a cutie pie. But I welcome the opportunity to get out and about for some fresh material now and again.

Tiffany, my fellow amateur snapper, was more than happy to hop in a car with me and motor on over to Chicago for a day of winter-wonderland photo ops. I won’t bore you with the details of the drive, but let’s say it involved a jack-knifed FedEx truck and two major traffic jams that added up to FIVE HOURS of driving time. El-sucko!

That left us with only a bit over six hours to stomp around the chilly (well, to be honest, freezing) streets. But we prevailed. We ducked in buildings when the wind bit a tad too hard. Still, we enjoyed a nice lunch, a good stroll and a fun-filled time at the ice rink in the park.

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