More potatoes and a candle

Since my last potato post, we went on a vacation. But I’ll go against my instincts of posting in chronological order and share today’s meal first. Because it was super easy to make and super delicious.

Red potatoes + sweet potatoes = potato goat cheese gratin. The original recipe called for squash, but my two guys aren’t keen on that particular vegetable. So I improvised. I used a big 13 x 9 dish and we hardly had any leftovers. So a good choice, I’d say! I paired it with grilled chicken and fruit. And followed it with the chocolate goodness below Start scrollin’!

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I love mousse. Lots.

This one’s made with tofu. My only beef (food pun) is that it turned out crumbly. That may be operator/chef error. But the taste was delectably awesome. And with his birthday just a couple of days away, Dev decided to make this his first birthday treat by plopping in a Lego candle.

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