Some people would say yes. I might have said yes at the end of the sessions. And yet it’s nice to have a lot of tasty gingerbread people cooling their heels in my freezer. If you can believe this, I’ve never made gingerbread people before. So this wasn’t just an adventure […]
Playing catch-up (as I always am)
So most of my September posts actually featured photos and events from August. The delay is not something the very anal part of my brain appreciates. I used to snap photos and blog about my day on the SAME DAY things happened. Obviously things have changed a bit. To appease my […]
It’s the dog’s turn!
Not my dog, in this case. The one featured here is my mom’s tiny but mighty canine. Her adorable self is named Abby. Of course I think my kid is fairly adorable too. So included some photos of him in the mix. He and Abby are BFFs. Â Â
A cat and some breadsticks
Cats. I love them. Sometimes, though, they can be incredibly frustrating (as any human or other animal can be, I’m sure). Such as this morning when I was walking around in the dark looking for my gym bag and stepped on Finn. He has far better eyesight in the dark than I do. […]
The second Chicago visit
Ok, this is really not the second one. It’s actually the fourth! It’s just that I had two visits within the space of one week, which isn’t normal. Four visits in one year isn’t normal either. But I’ll take any chance I can get to head back to my “other […]
Chicago visit #1
Because, yes, there was a visit #2 in the same week. This one was a day trip with friends. Two of my crazy friends from work. (They look crazy, don’t they?) They were awesome travel companions, I must say. They talked the entire drive there (and back…and while we were […]
The coffee ice cream that took a week to make
Yes, the headline is true. One week. But that’s only if you’re me and you’ve only made ice cream once before, years ago. And you make a mistake that seems entirely silly later on. Let’s start with why I decided to make this particular ice cream. It goes back to […]
Oh, July…where have you gone!
Someone said just yesterday that it seems like it takes forever for July 4th to arrive, and once it does summer just speeds right by. That may be true. It seems like we just celebrated Independence Day. Which happens to be my son’s favorite holiday. Even better than Christmas, he […]
Four Mondays in a row!
For some reason, I’m in a bit of a pattern here. Snap photos over the weekend. Post them on Monday. I’ve actually become quite offline-focused over my weekends. So much so that people are a bit amazed that I didn’t see a Facebook post or respond to their email. I’m in […]
The first official weekend of summer
Summer is officially here. We’re doing our best to get outside, but also to get things done. Sometimes it’s hard to do both. But I managed it this weekend when I finally painted our coffee tables. I set them up in the garage and did cleaning between coats of paint. […]
Mmmm…caramel macchiato
I have Festival photos to post, but I wanted to get these up first. Because my new favorite thing, I’ve decided just now, is making angel food cake. I’m guessing that’s because it tastes so darn good when it’s done. But I’m a bit enamored of the egg-white-whipping process as […]