Dinosaur war

DSC_1562-2The other day I heard Devin outside my office door making typical “playing with toys” noises. I asked him what he was playing and he told me he was setting up a battle. Sounded good to me. And on I worked.

A half hour or so later, I came out of my office and stepped right into that battlefield.

It was epic.

Soliders lined up against beasts. (Some of those beasts being of the cuddly variety.) Each army heavily fortified. A helicopter on hand to spirit away casualties. I was impressed.

I suggested that he might want to capture some memories of the scene. And, conveniently, Grandma had just passed down her old digital camera to him. So he grabbed the camera and started to shoot. He got down on the floor for a close-up view and at one point he ran downstairs and returned with a step stool to get an aerial vantage point. None of which was suggested by amateur photographer Mom. He came up with those perspectives himself.

He may even have taken as long to photograph the scene as he did to set it up!

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