You win some, you lose some

It was Friday night, and we had nothing interesting in the refrigerator. And, honestly, I had no desire to cook. So I proposed dinner out to the guys. And Scott, to weasel out of any decision-making responsibility, put forth the idea that Devin and I would each write our top three choices on a piece of paper and he’d tally the one with the most points.

Did he honestly think Dev and I would have the SAME restaurants on our lists? Silly man.

Devin’s top three consisted of Jet’s Pizza, Panera and Olga’s. (I was excited that Panera was on the list, in second place even!)

My list was One Trick Pony, Peppino’s and somewhere in The B.O.B. Just to be downtown and do something different.

So, yeah…nothing in common. A standoff, as you’d call it.

Scott decided that, once again, he’d shirk any decision responsibility and he flipped a coin. Heads, Jet’s. Tails, One Trick.

It was tails.

Devin cried. Yes, honestly, he did. He’d been going to Gymco for summer camp all week long and he was exhausted. Every night when I picked him up he was totally quiet on the ride home. Contrast that with the constant chatter I’m used to and there was definitely a difference in being in a gymnastics center eight hours a day with never-ending exercise on the curriculum. He was slightly pathetic and I kind of wanted to give up my position of superiority, but it was one of those “teachable moments” they tell you about. So Scott informed him that the contest had been won fairly and that we’d be headed downtown. After a few more, “I’m going but I’m not eating anything!” wails, he pulled himself together and we headed out.

It was a nice night and there was a table open outside, so we sat down and had a lovely dinner. Devin even pronounced the pizza he ordered as better than Jet’s (thankfully!). And we just fun sitting and chatting and watching the traffic and pedestrians go by.

After dinner, we walked down Monroe Center and checked out the new City Flats Hotel, stopped at the bookstore and then went over to Rosa Parks Circle. I’d completely forgotten about GRAM on the Green so we wandered into music and fun. There were some people playing a life-size game of Jenga and a chess game was set up. Devin beelined for the chess game. There was a 20-something guy there who saw him looking at the board and asked if he’d like to play. Dev managed to overcome his shyness and nod yes.

It turns out the guy he was playing teaches chess at a local middle school. He was pretty complimentary of Dev’s chess skills. He’d learned the game during summer camp from his favorite teacher, but I had no idea of his skill level. (Although he did have a little bit of prior experience.) It was kind of amazing to me to watch him pondering the moves and playing against an adult.

Afterward he took to one of the easels and drew a pastel picture that’s now hanging in his bedroom.

I think I convinced him that going to One Trick Pony may have been a better idea. He’ll admit to it if you ask him. Grudgingly, maybe.

One thought on “You win some, you lose some

  1. What a fun night! I’m so glad he ended up turning around for it. 🙂 I’m so impressed by his chess story!

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