That moment

I experienced what I’ll call “that moment” this weekend as Dev was frolicking at the beach. I should say that I’ve had other “moments” like this before. But this one kind of struck me dumb for a few seconds. He was galloping down to the water to grab some wet […]

You win some, you lose some

It was Friday night, and we had nothing interesting in the refrigerator. And, honestly, I had no desire to cook. So I proposed dinner out to the guys. And Scott, to weasel out of any decision-making responsibility, put forth the idea that Devin and I would each write our top […]

Pirates and quesadillas

How’s that for a blog post title? I used to do this thing with Devin’s blog where I’d go a couple of weeks between posts and then just plaster it with photos. (If you click on that link, be warned that I don’t update the site anymore. It’s in limbo […]