The blooms have arrived!

Last year my hollyhock plant shot up big and bold — but without any flowers. Just big, bushy green leaves. Not that I have anything against leaves. It’s just that the whole appeal of the hollyhock plant is the flowers that burst open on the various branches. Otherwise, it’s more like a bush.

This year the same thing appeared to be happening. All of the “buds” turned out to be more leaves making their way to the party. And the bush was getting bigger and bigger as summer came closer. I grumbled about this a bit. Because it’s so large it basically dominates my garden and it was doing that dominating without any flourish.

Two weeks ago, though, as Devin and I lounged about on the deck, I looked over and saw flowers. Three of them. And then I did my little “Happy Hollyhock” dance. (Which will, I’m sure, embarrass the heck out of him when he’s old enough to register that his mom is a loon.) So, yes, there are now dozens of lovely pink blossoms on my very tall and imposing hollyhock plant. Everybody say, Hallelujah!

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