Meet my second child

We don’t have many kids in our neighborhood. Parents have kids and move out before they hit school age so they can avoid sending them to our public schools (which have a pretty low graduation rate). We have two under two nearby and a nine-year-old and his three younger sibs […]

Number 5,339

I’ve had my D90 for nearly a year now. Two months shy of the date. It’s funny sometimes to look at the counter and see so many thousands of photos that have been taken. Some people think I’m insane, but I think most photography-minded people probably see the sense in […]

Those two

I love this photo. Because it clearly shows how much he loves his grandma. I remember my mom saying at my baby shower that she was very nervous about being a grandma because she’d never done it before. Yet she had nothing to worry about. She and Dev have a […]

The fruits (er, vegetables) of our labor

Nearly two months later and we’re getting some real production. Although the seeds we planted didn’t all come to fruition. In fact, only three of the pea plants are really amounting to much from the two rows we allotted. And the lettuce and spinach? The bunnies, adorable little critters with […]

Ever so belated

Last Wednesday was our anniversary. Nine years and we haven’t strangled each other! I was recovering from my three-day volunteer stint for Festival and feeling in a non-camera mood last week, so I’ve been lax on the updates. I did, however, recruit a shorter member of our family to snap […]

OK…just a couple more

She’s so darn adorable. I took dozens of photos, of course. So I had to share two more. It doesn’t hurt that Fiona’s house has a big, beautiful window in the living room. I’d kill for that kind of light in my house!

We made a new friend

Isn’t she sweet? And so, so tiny. As of the photo, she hadn’t been christened. I’ve since discovered that Dev’s buddy decided on the name Aglet. That would be the name of the little plastic thing on the end of your shoelace. Creative, eh? Dev was so gentle with her. […]