
OK. You just have no idea how excited I am about my internet skills. See that photo at the top left? I’ve been rocking my rusty and never-quite-adequate css talents today to get the font on this template the way I wanted. Which was good. But I really needed this to be MY site. MINE. MINE. MINE. I hate templates for that reason. Although the good ones give you an excellent starting point. So I nosed around and found the orginal graphic, grabbed one of my photos, resized it and subbed it in.

Voila! You have me and Lucy peering at you from the left-hand corner.

Simple for some people, sure. I’m just pleased that I’ve been able to nit and pick my way to this point. I may fiddle with a few other things, but I’m really starting to like this layout now.

OK. Nothing more to see here. I’m done gloating.

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