A weekend full of culture



I did SO much this weekend. Kind of a refreshing change from three weekends suffering through chest colds, sinus infections and kiddie pneumonia.

My recreational pursuits, though, make me chuckle a bit upon reflection.

Friday. Shared tubs of popcorn and cups of fruit punch with Devin while viewing “Veggie Tales: The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything.” Cucumber and squash humor. Gotta love it.

Saturday. Two hours at Gymco bouncing on trampolines (because I couldn’t resist joining in with the 3-year-olds) and eating Costco birthday cake. Three hours later I dined with my hubby at Osta’s before spending the evening with the GR Symphony.

Today. Bowling fun with the Grand Rapids Flickr Group at Clique Lanes, complete with plenty of laughs and lots of flashbulbs.