My head is going to explode!

Not from the cold, although I thought it might be a side effect for a while there. Today is my first day feeling normal. A week of ick.

No, my head may just explode from trying to keep up with all things internet. Although I love, love, love that answers and trivial facts are always at my fingertips, that I can make online lists and schedule appointments on an online calendar, that I can keep in touch with people in a way I never could imagine, that I can shop without stepping foot into a crowded right-before-Christmas mall, I have to admit that the web sometimes sucks the life outta me.

Between my daily blog reads, Flickr, Facebook, LinkedIn, Scrabulous,, photo sites, and crazy fun stuff like this, which I just discovered today, I wonder how I ever get the dishes done.

My head may also explode because of my kid’s cuteness. Don’t you agree?


3 thoughts on “My head is going to explode!

  1. Yes, I agree. Your kid defines cuteness.
    I also feel your pain relating to the internet. I too often find myself with eyes glazed over way past my bedtime.

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