Double-Ginger Cookies

Incredibly yummy bits of crystallized ginger packed into each one

I’m sure anyone who regularly peruses my blog will notice that I like to bake. I’m not a master baker by any means, but I fancy the whole process. Measuring, mixing and popping things in the oven to see what magic will transpire.

Yet baking has an even bigger appeal lately.

That appeal goes by the name of Devin.

It’s just way too much fun to have him across the counter from me, perched on his stool. His insistence that I share every ingredient with him (“I have that too, Mommy.”). His determination to whisk and mix with all he’s got. His willingness to smell the vanilla or the lemon and to taste the crystallized ginger. His tendency to scatter flour all over the worksurface. And the floor. And his clothes.

I don’t know if these moments will translate into a love of cooking or baking on his part. But I know that they offer us another way to share with each other. He listens to my explanations with such interest. And those two steps that he takes to mount the stool put him ever closer to my level.

I think, dear readers, that you’ll be seeing even more baking photos here in the future.

2 thoughts on “Double-Ginger Cookies

  1. baking – cooking even! – with wee ones is among the great joys of life. they realise the wonder of it all.
    i can SMELL these. ginger: yum.

  2. I can hide my non-baking tendencies pretty well all year, but the holidays out me every time.

    Those look yummy. Too bad no one in my house will be having any though! 😉

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