I spend three days a week working on-site at one of my clients. As you can imagine, I sometimes have the need to use the facilities. There are many to choose from, really, because there are hundreds of people working here and they planned well for that scenario.
My favorite restroom is the big one that, for some odd reason, gets the least amount of traffic. That may tell you something about me. That I like a little more privacy, maybe?
So there I am this morning, perched on the porcelain throne, in Stall #6 of eight. In comes a co-worker. I hear her shoes clicking purposefully across the floor. Closer and closer. Until she opens the door of the stall RIGHT NEXT TO MINE.
Hello! There are seven empty stalls to choose from. Why does a person enter a bathroom occupied by only one other person and choose the stall right next to them? Was she looking for camaraderie? I wonder if anyone out there might a good explanation for this behavior.
Because I really want to know. Really.
I’m with you! At the VERY least you skip a stall. Ugh.
She totally should have skipped a stall. I know exactly what you’re talking about. Although my favorite is usually stall #2. Ours only has four stalls, however, if someone is in stall #1 or #3, I’ll still go to stall #2… I won’t jump down to stall #4. I love it that you think about (hence, write about) this stuff like I do!
She totally should have skipped a stall. I know exactly what you’re talking about. Although my favorite is usually stall #2. Ours only has four stalls, however, if someone is in stall #1 or #3, I’ll still go to stall #2… I won’t jump down to stall #4. I love it that you think about (hence, write about) this stuff like I do!
I always use the Handicap one – I have a huge public bathroom phobia though, I would have left if someone went in the stall next to me!
There are two kinds of people in the world and that’s the other kind. These people also sit directly in front of you or behind you at the movies when there are dozens of other options not by anyone else. They take the booth or table next to you in an empty restaurant, and when you are alone on the highway enjoying the open road, they come up and instead of passing and going off in the distance, they stay right by you for-ev-er. I don’t get it.
She selected the one right NEXT to you? Dang! Give me a buffer stall, please!
She selected the one right NEXT to you? Dang! Give me a buffer stall, please!
LOL! Women have this problem???? I thought it was only men? How many times have I thought, “Hey buddy – do I know you?” while wondering why he stood BESIDE ME!
Maybe she’s been left hanging in the past with no TP. It scarred her into always looking for a bathroom buddy in case she needed a paper handover!