Dog days

Don’t you think it’s slightly pathetic when you have to use the treadmill because it’s too damn hot and humid outside to take a walk?

I’m not demanding. Really.

I can be particular about certain things. People always joke about people who are particular. The word “anal” comes up plenty. But I don’t get that handle much because I’m not overzealous about a ton of stuff. Still, I like my money facing in the same direction (that comes from […]

Beer, anyone?

Gwen and Dottie had us over for a vegan barbecue I have plenty to say. Really I do. But I can’t find the time or energy to sit my butt in front of my computer and type away. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. I’m not […]

They’ve grown on me

Two years ago my mom bestowed upon me two hollyhock plants. I wasn’t very familiar with them and looked at her helplessly. She, after all, is the Queen of Container plants. She avoids perennials, yet brings them to me (well, they’re biennials, but let’s not worry about that small fact) […]

I broke my dog

Anyone who knows my dog will tell you that Juliette is incredibly sweet. They’ll also tell you that she’s a bit jumpy. We rescued her at six months old from a local humane society. In that short time she’d already suffered abuse and been slightly traumatized by it. Guys make […]