Cloud drama

Red sky at night

In the midst of conversation, I looked over my husband’s shoulder and out the kitchen window to see an eerie red color lighting up the deck. What would formerly have been just “cool” was now cause for me to go running for my camera. A storm had just blown through and dusk was creating the beautiful light. Of course trying to capture the scene was a bit futile. Still, I was happy with many of the cloud shots.

3 thoughts on “Cloud drama

  1. I was out walking the dog at this time and I was writing in my head (like I always do), trying to describe what I was seeing. Of course I didn’t write it down when I got home (as usual).

    I was interested in the movement of the clouds as I walked east. Fast-moving purply wisps were scuttling north across the backlit pale melon clouds in your photo. Then I saw a small plane in the distance, its fusilage reflecting the orangy light so that it became a kind of fluorescent missle (not a good word. Nerf football? no.) moving away from the remnants of the storm clouds. Eerie. (how do you spell that?) The dog never noticed.

  2. I was out walking the dog at this time and I was writing in my head (like I always do), trying to describe what I was seeing. Of course I didn’t write it down when I got home (as usual).

    I was interested in the movement of the clouds as I walked east. Fast-moving purply wisps were scuttling north across the backlit pale melon clouds in your photo. Then I saw a small plane in the distance, its fusilage reflecting the orangy light so that it became a kind of fluorescent missle (not a good word. Nerf football? no.) moving away from the remnants of the storm clouds. Eerie. (how do you spell that?) The dog never noticed.

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