
The kids seemed to be the most inspired by the music

I was chatting with my neighbor last night when a band struck up with a loud oompah-oompah. We looked around and saw a crowd gathered at the senior citizen’s complex across the street. Who knew they were planning such fun? I’m a bit gutless when it comes to photography, though, and couldn’t bring myself to cross the street with my camera. So I attached the 300mm lens and staked them out from my backyard. That would explain the edge of my neighbor’s eaves trough and the lovely lamp in the foreground. I have to wonder if that woman actually noticed my voyeurism or if it was coincidental that she was looking in my direction.

Oh, and here’s a tip for all of you: if you’re ever dining on leftover Plum Chicken from Seoul Garden, be sure to concentrate on what you’re eating. As I flipped through a magazine during dinner, I absentmindedly shoveled forkfuls into my mouth, only to bite through one of those shriveled maroonish peppers that as lurking in my bowl. Egads! My mouth was on fire for 15 minutes. It took several sips of chocolate soy milk and some blueberry yogurt to finally quell the sizzle.