After the rain

Just-showered sedum captured between cloudbursts

It’s been a rainy week. But not so bad since the temps have been warmish. T’would be nice, however, if we could have a dry day or two to do some gardening and lawn mowing. The yard looks pretty rough right now. I’ll be patient, though.

Besides, I can’t do any gardening until Monday. I’m heading out tomorrow to visit my friend Renée for the weekend. This means spending time in the suburbia otherwise known as Chicagoland. Not Chicago, but Chicagoland. Completely different experience on most levels. I’m toting the new camera along to see if anything catches my eye…other than strip malls, hopefully.

A pet peeve I just realized: I hate it when I subscribe to a magazine and I see at the newsstand days before it reaches my mailbox. Shouldn’t subscribers have first-view privileges?

5 thoughts on “After the rain

  1. Don’t they have those first-view privileges over there? Over her you can complain to them, in case a magazine doesn’t reach you in time…

    Beautiful picture again up there, I really like the photos you take, great work!

  2. Thanks again…I really enjoy using my close-up lenses. I’m more of a macro shot type, I guess.

    I won’t put the effort into complaining. I’ll just wait for my lovely issue of Better Homes & Gardens to arrive. But it still seems unjust. 🙂

  3. And it definately is unjust. 🙂

    Do you use an tripod all the time taking the picutes or do you shoot them out of your hand? I mean especially when you do such closeups it should be easy to get blurry pictures when not using a tripod.

  4. Lewe…no tripod. Even close up, the shutter speed was pretty fast since I was outdoors.


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