I’m picking through my emails the other day, 95% of which are spam, and I come across one from Classmates.com: Lori, you have an email from Tom!
Immediately I guess the topic of this communication. Tom was our class president, or some such office, and that means…you know where I’m going with this…reunion time! I’ll go ahead and give away my age by informing you that the subject line of his email was: 1985 Class Reunion. Yes, I’m old.
20 years (well, officially 19 since the reunion isn’t until next year). How darn depressing. I honestly can say that it feels like yesterday I was still in high school, or at least college. I still feel very much like I’m in my twenties. I certainly haven’t gained a ton of maturity since then. Just a few wrinkles and a lot more responsibility.
Waiting at the doctor’s office the other day, I heard a Tears for Fears song. It took me right back to high school. Memories of eating lunch on the grassy hill, of classrooms filled with people I haven’t seen in so long, of being a bit more carefree. 20 years? Wow.