Hellooooo, Harry!

I think I’m a 6-year-old boy disguised as a grown woman.

When the Harry Potter Legos showed up on the shelves, Devin was thrilled. But I was too. We’re on Harry Potter 6 right now and it’s just so much fun to read those books together. Even though I’d already read the series and knew that Dumbledore would die, I was terribly upset about it the other day. Damn that Snape!

There’s also Star Wars. I’m not all that well versed on the more recent movies, but I sure did looooove the originals. We got him the Lego Star Wars video game last Christmas and he and I play it together all the time. I think Scott finds it amusing. But, hey…he has his superhero and baseball obsessions. I’ll go with the magic and sci-fi stuff.

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