In the kitchen

We made muffins today. And pizza. I don’t cook or bake nearly enough anymore. I get claustrophobic when it comes to cooking. I have to have enough time to plan and execute. But I actually put the muffins together spontaneously. Just grabbed a Cooking Light volume and fingered a recipe […]

I’d gobble him up if I could

All mommas love their kids. That’s not a revelation. But it really is amazing when you become a momma, when you have a kid of your own, and when you experience that love for yourself. It’s not just love…L-O-V-E. It’s LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE. Only longer, but since I don’t have oodles of […]

My turn!

I’ve documented plenty of Dev’s Lego creations. He makes them all the time after all. He’s slightly obsessed. Last night he asked me to play Legos with him. I often groan at this request. My grown-up mind isn’t as interested as my childhood one once was in creating things without […]