I did this crazy thing, see

I signed up for my company’s running club.

Well, that’s pretty harmless in itself. Because it’s just a club, right? But they sent an email last week to inform me that the first race is coming up. In March. Hello? This IS March! March plus a couple of days, in fact. Eeeeek!

So Sunday I told myself, “Self, you have to run more than a mile if you want to complete the 5k.” And Self amazingly ran a mile and a half. Whew! This morning I talked to Self again. “Self, you’ll need to run that mile and a half again to make sure it sticks. We’ve got to get serious here.” And Self? Ran TWO FREAKIN’ MILES!

I totally could have kept going too. I just thought I’d better not push my luck. So I figure if I can keep up this pace, I’m golden on March 21. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts. Oh, and I’d better get some warmer running clothes since, um, we’re going to actually be running outside. Eep!

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