Can winter be over yet? Please?

It’s the end of January here in Michigan. The middle of winter. I know this because I’ve lived here nearly all my life and that’s just the way of the winters here. They start as early as October and go as late as May. This one was kind enough to […]

Mystery lunch

Lunch today was a fiesta chicken bake. You know, the frozen meal that gets popped into the microwave. From time to time, the food that emerges in an approximation of the photos on the box. Not this time. I’m dealing with a stew of chicken and sauce right now. There’s […]


Yesterday I had an enormous laughing fit. You know, when you start laughing, for some possibly not even funny reason, and you can’t stop laughing no matter what you do. The trigger? I dropped a bag of cat food and it startled my cat Maggie. She’s nervous to begin with, […]

Oh, fickle me!

I’ve decided I don’t want to run my 365 Days project here and on Flickr, so I’ll just keep it in the Flickr realm and if you feel so inclined, you can check it out there. Yet another change of my mind, I know. I haven’t had proper time to […]

Day 16: G20 39

The view from my company’s parking lot. The lot at the other building, I should say. We have two main office buildings. I secretly wish I worked in this one They can actually wear jeans to work. I’m in the headquarters building with the execs and we don’t even get […]

Day 11: Cup #3

I’m quite fond of green tea. And I love weekends when I can brew myself a few cups. Well, four today to be precise. Took the chill off of the very cold day. Of course I’m going to need more of this stuff to deal with the frigid temps heading […]