The bathroom is painted!
I’ve always been less than enthused about our bathroom. There’s 1950s brown tile surrounding the bathtub (which is an even pukier brown) and on the counter top. That was bad enough. But the last family, in attempt to escape the brown, I’m sure, chose a plaid wallpaper for the bottom half of the walls and a dark green for the top.
So now it’s back to a brown theme. Because we don’t have the funds for a major redo. It’s a more calming room now, if not a little boring. One more thing off of our checklist to get the house ready for a possible sale next year. And with some time for us to enjoy the improvements.
On to the ornaments!
From Amy in Massachusetts…
From Charlaine in Alaska…
From Melissa in Massachusetts…
From Jenny in Massachusetts…
From Nicole in Massachusetts…
From Alison in Massachusetts…
There seems to be a common theme in this bunch, eh?