Where does self-confidence come from and where can I get me some?
From the moment I pulled back the sheets this morning, I’ve been feeling unworthy. Of what I’m not sure.
I woke up with a horrible sore throat and an attractive cough, although I should allow that those are both gone now. Whining on that point needs to cease.
My hair won’t cooperate. It’s flat and mousy and in need of a trim.
I stood in front of my closet staring at the multitude of clothes and hating them all. So I chose a bulky, so-last-year sweater to wear just to spite myself. If I’m going to be in a funk, I may as well communicate it through my outfit, right?
My kid was screaming at both of us this morning, much of the vitriol punctuated with his new favorite word: NO!
My two favorite work pals are out of the office today.
And the kicker…there’s only iceberg lettuce at the salad bar.
It must be going around ’cause I’m feeling the same today! So know that I understand how you feel and I think you’re great, even when you feel blah. 🙂
I’m thinkin’ the grey days of November have something to do with it. Daughter is in a funk-I’m trying not to catch it. Don’t need a crabby house.