Double happiness

Double Ginger Cookies from Cooking Light

When planning our very belated Chinese New Year party, I decided to make things easier on myself by choosing relatively simple dishes that I could also make ahead. These cookies were the perfect choice. Once they’ve cooled off, I can pop ’em in a freezer bag and thaw them in time for the festivities.

They aren’t quite as pretty as they taste. The chunks are actually pieces of chopped, crystallized ginger. I’ve used this spice once or twice in recipes before, but never 3/4 of a cup. While chopping the pieces smaller, I discovered just how good crystallized ginger is! I practically made myself sick nibbling away at it last night. And the batter is so tempting that I had to will myself not to keep sampling.

D&W carries McCormick crystallized ginger for a whopping $7.99. But lucky me, a Penzey’s Spices just opened up in GR a couple of months ago. I got an entire bag — equivalent to about four of the small jars for $14.80.

Oh, and I realize this is counter to my plan to slow down on sugar, but I’ve been doing a really good job with that over the past few days. So I feel absolutely no guilt about partaking at all. Besides, they’re not for me, they’re for the party. Even if I did sneak one after they came out of the oven.

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