Lions fans had a lot to be thankful for this year
Well, Turkey Day came and went. I never really got a chance to prepare. Good think we went to my mom’s this year. We lugged along the pumpkin pie, a rice pilaf that totally broke with the normal fare, and some yummy oatmeal bread. Other than that, mom handled everything. Of course, she doesn’t like turkey (gasp!) so we went the chicken route this year. Such non-traditionalists. Yet my husband had a craving for it and went to the grocery store yesterday, the day after Thanksgiving, to buy a turkey. When does that ever happen?
So he roasted his turkey this afternoon and enjoyed the fruits of his labor while watching the Florida-Florida State game. While I’ve been puttering around the house trying to make things look Christmasy. I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was filled with good food and good company. Onward to the next holiday!