Ours was pretty sweet. Hee. No, really. It was quiet, relaxing and rather lovely. I come from an itty-bitty family (just me and my mom) and Scott’s family is spread all over the country. So our celebrations are pretty small and low-key. I was a little more inclined to bake […]
Holy butter, Batman!
I kind of knew better. I pinned these cookies a while back, but I’ve been avoiding them. Why? Because there are 18 tablespoons of butter in the cookie and the frosting combined. Ay-yi-yi! Before I had to give up gluten, my favorite recipe source was Cooking Light. I like to […]
Baking and bothersome cats
Let’s start with the cats, shall we? It’s the holiday season. We have a new kitten. You can see where this is going right? He’s only climbed into the tree once, thankfully. He knocks down just one ornament a day. Only two of them have broken so far. (Thank you, […]