I guess it’s to be expected after the little one coughed all over me the past few days. He handles sickness so much better than me. I? Stayed home from work today. Which was not an easy decision. But it allowed me a three-hour nap, which I needed desperately. Something […]
My kid? He is smarter than me
Dev got a remote-control car for his second Christmas. Designed for the littlest kids with a simple remote and durable plastic. He broke it several days later when friends came for a visit and he didn’t want to share his toy. His solution to not sharing was to take the […]
Proof that wide-angle photography is not always flattering
My nose? His cheeks? Cracking me up!
The bathroom is no longer poopy
The bathroom is painted! I’ve always been less than enthused about our bathroom. There’s 1950s brown tile surrounding the bathtub (which is an even pukier brown) and on the counter top. That was bad enough. But the last family, in attempt to escape the brown, I’m sure, chose a plaid […]
I am buried beneath an avalanche of love!
Another ornament-only post because I’m incredibly tired and want very much to snuggle under my flannel sheets and down comforter. Is that too selfish, I ask? I have many, many, many ornaments. I’ve photographed most of them, but the mailbox continues to spew forth. It is happy making. From Kim […]
Walking in a slushy winterland
I loved today. Especially when you compare it to my yesterday. Which sucked. Dev has been very challenging lately and my mood on Saturday didn’t help matters. The medication is definitely helping me in a lot of ways, but the depression doesn’t go away entirely. I have to learn how […]
I am sooo behind!
The mailbox has been stuffed daily with goodies. I cannot keep up! So much craftiness and holiday love from my fellow mommas! From Keet in Philly… Siobhan in NY… Jessamyn in Chicago… Marni in Halifax…
Shoot me now
I’ve been doing a pretty good job of resisting sweets lately. Not a perfect effort, but a laudable one if you know me and my magnetic attraction to sugar. Still, there’s one item that seems ever-present in my client’s office and that does me in every. single. time. Costco cake. […]
It’s so random!
I had a friend named Tonia who always used the word “random.” To this day, I think of her when I hear it. Funny how certain things stick with you, isn’t it? So Kristy tagged me for a meme. I tend to bow out of those because I can’t get […]
Gobble, gobble!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. We had a lovely time. Small gathering. Just five of us. Scott had turkey duty. I dove into everything else because I had a strong desire to make things. I really haven’t fired up our stove much lately. So I needed an […]